Jump from 500 pts to 750 or more with free video training

Before beginning your TOEIC training videos, start by taking one of these 4 sample tests. It will take you between 30-45 minutes. Some of the tests give you a CERF score (A1-C2) or a percentage score. Try for 80% which equals a 785 TOEIC score or B2 level. Any grammar mistakes in Parts 5 or 6 that you don’t understand from reading the good answer, just take a screenshot of them and post it in our FaceBook group “TOEIC 785 Goal”. I promise to answer quickly.
Video 1: Adverbs of Frequency and Present simple Word Order
YouTube Video Series: Get free help preparing for the TOEIC 2018 exam grammar sections. This is the first video in a series focusing on the top 10 grammar points. Today its Present simple and Adverbs of Frequency. Find tips and practice questions designed to increase your reading score and decrease your stress.
There’s a cheat sheet of over 40 keywords used in four tenses for you and a bonus article from the press on “10 Tips for Running an Effective Meeting” to improve your TOEIC reading and vocabulary skills. Download the MP3 audio file of the article to improve your listening skills. Watch video N°1
Video 2: Present Continuous keywords and word order
Video 2: Get free help preparing for the TOEIC 2018 exam grammar sections. This is the second video in a series focused on the top 10 grammar points. Today it’s “Present Continuous”. Test yourself on the difference between Present Simple and Present Continuous. Learn how to analyze grammar questions quickly and answer correctly even if you don’t know all the vocabulary. Bonus reading and listening download “How to write a professional email”. Watch video N°2
Video 3: Past simple keywords and word order
Video 3: Get free help preparing for the TOEIC 2018 exam grammar sections. This is the third video in a series focused on the top 10 grammar points. Today it’s “Simple Past”. Practice -ed pronunciation and the top 50 irregular verb chart. Learn how to analyze grammar questions quickly and answer correctly even if you don’t know all the vocabulary. Bonus reading and listening “5 Reasons Why Meeting Minutes Are Important”. Watch video N°3
Video 4: Present Perfect Keywords and Word Order
Get free help preparing for the TOEIC 2018 exam grammar sections. This is the fourth video in a series focused on the top 10 grammar points. Today it’s “Present Perfect”. Test yourself on the difference between Past Simple and Present Perfect. Learn how to analyze grammar questions quickly and answer correctly even if you don’t know all the vocabulary. Bonus reading and listening “Should Your Resume Be in Past or Present Tense”. Watch Video N°4
Video 5: Track Your Progress 1 Verb Tenses
Track your progress in preparing for the TOEIC reading sections with this flashcard deck and Online Quiz. This is the fifth video in a series focused on the top 10 grammar points. We’re doing a review of verb tenses today, making flashcards for the 41 keywords we learned in the first 4 videos and doing an online quiz to track your progress. Watch Video N°5